The Clean Slate

Your Source for Info on Facilities Management, Commercial Cleaning, and Business Ownership

The Clean Slate Open Works Blog

Meow! Ruff! Bark! Is Bringing Fido and Kitty to Work Too Much to Handle?

Should a company in your corporate facility decide to become "pet friendly," there are things you can do as a facility manager to help! Find out why you should, outside of the fact that animals are awesome!

Top 5 Reasons to Franchise with OpenWorks

Starting and operating a business is no small feat. The journey is fraught with challenges and uncertainties, as reflected in daunting statistics. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly one in four new businesses fail within their first year. Franchising, especially in a recession-proof industry, can be a solid choice.

Reinforcing Fundraising for Nonprofits with Vendor Management

In the nonprofit world, every decision can significantly impact your ability to fundraise effectively. This is particularly true when it comes to vendor management. Nonprofit leaders, operations directors, and facility managers need to understand that the way they manage their vendors can either bolster their fundraising efforts or undermine them.

Facilities Management Best Practices for Community-Based Non-profits

For non-profit organizations, maintaining a clean environment goes beyond the usual considerations. You’re working hard to impact your local communities and support children who need a safe, comfortable place to study, play, or just hang out. That’s why proper maintenance for your facility is part of your community mission.

Green Commercial Cleaning Services for Transportation Hubs

There's a growing trend towards adopting sustainable practices in every aspect of operations, not least of which is cleaning. This shift is particularly important in transportation hubs like train stations and bus depots, which are bustling with commuters every day.

Power Up Your Building's Efficiency: 8 Tips and Tricks to Slash Your Energy Bill

As we strive to build and maintain structures that are not only visually stunning but also eco-friendly, it's crucial to focus on the energy efficiency of our buildings. Here are 8 easy tips to help you save money and your building.

The Rising Popularity of Family Entertainment Centers Demands Specific Cleaning Practices

In the wake of the post-COVID-19 boom in the family entertainment center (FEC) industry, maintaining an impeccably clean facility is essential for enhancing the overall guest experience and staying competitive. Found out exactly how to keep up!

Clean, Germ-Free Fun: A Brand Necessity for Family Entertainment Centers

The rise of the Family Entertainment Center has not yet peaked. In fact, we're starting to see a newer evolution that is poised to have families returning more often than they ever have before. Operating managers first step? CLEAN.

Raising the Bar with Targeted Gym Cleaning Strategies

By carefully targeting gym cleaning to your specific areas and amenities like an Arnold press targets your delts, you can make your gym a true hub of health and wellness. Let’s explore how to transform your gym into a place where cleanliness meets gains with more targeted fitness center cleaning.

Proper Gym Cleaning: Skin Infection Protection for Your Gym and Its Members

Whether they’re a fitness newbie or could compete in a professional bodybuilding competition, the gym is a place where all types of people build mental and physical health. Find out how to keep your gym members safe and your membership numbers healthy (hint, if infected, your members will leave.)

Beyond Clean: 5 Ways to Elevate Tenant Satisfaction in Exclusive Residences - Free Guide!

In the world of high-end residential rental properties, attracting tenants is just the beginning of a complex puzzle. Ensuring a world-class living experience that delights and retains tenants, especially in that crucial first year, is where property managers need to shift their focus. Here's how to use your time wisely.

Creating Your School's Individualized Cleaning Plan (ICP): An Educator's Guide to Tailored Cleanliness - Free Guide!

Cleaning and maintenance in educational facilities aren't just about eliminating germs; they are pivotal components in the enhancement of the educational experience. Let's delve into the aspects of an Individualized Cleaning Plan (ICP) and how you can implement this to foster an all-inclusive environment for learning.

Safely Preparing Your Facilities, Buildings, and Janitorial Staff for an Unexpected Winter Storm

Preparing for inclement weather is crucial to ensure the safety of your occupants and the smooth operation of your facilities. As many parts of the country know all too well, winter storms don’t just include snow, but rain as well. (Anyone experiencing the famous Pineapple Express Atmospheric River early in February can attest to that!) Learn more about staying safe.

7 Ways Facility Managers Care for Your Healthcare Business (So You Can Help More People)

Learn about 7 specific ways that facility managers care for a healthcare facility and how it benefits everyone from patients, to caregivers, and community members.

How to Reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections

In January of 2024, the American Journal of Infection Control produced a study that shows HAIs and microbials continue to be on the rise despite disinfection protocols. Who are you putting in control of your healthcare facility cleaning? Are they experts or are they just doing the bare minimum?

Navigating Compliance in Manufacturing: A Tip Sheet for Commercial Cleaning

Manufacturing is a complex industry. Between maintenance, employee morale, and following compliance regulations, the industry is a logistical challenge for sure. Download this helpful tip sheet to help you stay in compliance.

How to Ensure a Safe Healthcare Environment with Commercial Cleaning Best Practices: Checklist Included

Navigating the maze of local, state, and federal storage and distribution regulations can be challenging. And keeping up with the latest trends in healthcare takes time. How can you stay up to date? Download this easy to follow checklist to know what to expect and understand what to do.

Designing a Tenant Experience that Aligns to Values and Priorities

The real estate market is in a holding pattern when it comes to purchasing; more and more folks are choosing to rent luxury residential properties. But, they demand certain amenities. If your property doesn't have an ESG policy or a dog park, common things like consistent communication and cleaning don't even matter. You do have room to improve. When you're freed up from commercial cleaning and quick turns, you can focus on big-picture priorities. Here's how, and why, we can help.